Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Broke my butt

Well, yesterday completely sucked. I had a serious case of "I'm the worst mommy ever"s, and I'm pretty sure I broke my ass.

The day started normal enough. Get up, get myself and kids ready, start out the door for work. So, I head down our front steps carrying kid #2, half a watermelon (Kid #1 insisted on taking it to Mam-Mams with him) and a diaper bag. Then I fell. Not just a graceful slip, but a full on legs in the air fall. I managed to hold onto everything, but that resulted in no attempt what so ever to catch myself. At least I didn't have a busted watermelon and broken baby though. First reaction is jump right back up. While holding kid #2, which is screaming bloody murder, I'm trying to tell kid #1 that everything is fine. I can't breathe. Nothing.....can't even get enough air to croak out "Its fine". So kid #1 starts to panic. I finally mange to make enough hand jesters so that he understood to just calm down, just hang out on the porch for a minute.

Ok, hobble to the car and sit #2 in his car seat to make sure he's ok. By this point he has already stopped crying so I assume he is fine. Me....not so much.

I go back to the porch to get #1, and bring him to the car. I can't even get him in his car seat. I am in so much pain I think I'm going to pass out. I CANNOT pass out and leave both kids outside by themselves. I have to call the hubby to tell him what’s going on. Do you know what he says to me? He says "What do you want me to do about it?" "I WANT TO YOU FIX IT! WHAT THE HELL ELSE WOULD I WANT?! YA KNOW WHAT, FORGET IT!" Then I hang up on him. I get just a little mean when I'm hurting.

I've had two kids, one fall can't be that bad right? Bullshit. I had an epidural with both....this hurts much worse. Just amputate my butt. I don't need it.....I have way to much anyways.

I somehow managed to get to my mom’s to drop the kiddies off. I cried the whole way. Do you realize how hard it is to drive while trying not to sit down? Super hard. It took me about 5 minutes to just get out of my car by the time I got to work. I walk funny and I'm pretty sure I will see every color of the rainbow when I get home to check the lower regions of my body. Then mom texts me to tell me my BoBo (#2) is limping. Oh my god....he is limping, and his leg is hurt, and its all my fault. I'm a horrible mom, and my baby got hurt because I'm so damn clumsy I can't even walk down steps without falling. By the time I leave work and get home he isn't limping anymore and is acting fine. I still feel like crap though.

I ended my night with a ice pack and curled up in bed cuddling my little partner in falling.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I'm still having to get in and out of my car like a little old lady lol
