Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Girls night.....and the aftermath

I think every mom should take time to have a girls night out occasionally. Sometimes you just need to get out of the "mommy mode". I try to do this every few months. I miss my boys like crazy when I'm not with them, but its good to get some time for myself. So that being said, Friday night was girls night. Nothing crazy or anything, just hanging out at my friends house talking and taking a few shots of vodka. Since I don't drink and drive I just stayed the night, and got up early to make it home by the time the kiddies woke up. I had a blast, and finally crashed out about 3ish. At 7:00 am when it is time for me to get up I was definitely still tired, but I thought "Hey, I'm not feeling too bad!" No headache. No urge to vomit. Then as I'm on my way home I realize why I'm not feeling bad. I do believe I'm still about halfway drunk. Maybe shots number 11 and 12 weren't such a good idea.

I get home by bout 8:00. As I go in the door what do I hear.......blissful silence. Everyone is still asleep!! Hallelujah!! If I wasn't afraid I would fall over or wake them I would do a happy dance right now. I immediately face plant into my bed.  Oh sweet Jesus, the room is spinning. This is sooooo not good. Exactly 30 minutes later the boys are up. *sigh* Ok, its a pretty day out. I can let the boys play in the back yard, and sit on my ass and not do much. WRONG! The hubby informs me the "agenda for the day". His exact words. This agenda includes me getting up and functioning in about 30 minutes. Well, shit. Somehow I  manage to get myself up and out the door. I swear he is enjoying this.......evil shit. Ok, I've forced down a croissant, and downed half a bottle of pepto. Not to mention I'm popping Excedrin like they are candy. I need coffee.......lots of coffee.

First stop is the outdoor outfitters store. It's official, I'm dying. I am getting to old for this. Next stop is the flea market. Normally I love going to the flea market. Today not so much. It is CROWDED! Maneuvering through these people with this big ass stroller needs the patience of a saint. That is something I am far from today. After getting shoved, and elbowed, and dealing with the random people who stop in the middle of the isle to block the way I am fed up. That's it......the bitch is coming out! If you irritate me in any way you are getting your heels rammed with this stroller. That means you Mr. "Gangsta" with your baggy jeans around your knees. You know, if you wear a belt you don't have to stop to pull them up every 5 steps! You are getting rammed. OH! And definitely you slutzilla with your mile long thong sticking out of your pants, and your spare tire hanging out of your belly shirt. You are getting rammed. TWICE! Nobody needs an anatomy lesson from you. Cover that shit. The best part is when some chick in a shirt that says "I am not a gang member"  (Seriously......thanks for the heads up) almost ran over my 3 year old. I think every profanity I know came out of my mouth. This seemed to just amuse the hell out of my hubby. I'm lucky I didn't get shot.

From there its on to wal-mart, and the in-laws house. By now I'm certain my hubs is trying to kill me. Finally, at 7pm I walk back in my front door! I have never been so happy to be home. It's bath time then bed for the kids.  At 9:00 I am ready to curl up in my bed and pass out. That's when the hubby breaks out the "sexy coupons" I gave him for Valentines day. ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME?!? Evil.....Evil man. I eventually got to go to sleep. I'm still plotting my revenge for him.

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